Rules and Regulations
Zero Tolerance : Automatic dismissal
Drug and alcohol test will be done randomly and after coming back from passes.
Aggressive/ or intimidating behavior will not be tolerated.
Not turning in check
Leaving the premises or job site, Including Church, Laundry Mart or Walmart. Stay With The Van.
Establishing a relationship with a woman (other than your wife) or a teen.
Absolutely no gang related activities, language, or threats will not be tolerated. You will be dismissed and it will be reported to parole or officials.
The HWJS is a six month Christian Faith based residential facility for men.
Goals: Our goal is to re- integrate men successfully and productively into society.
Three written reprimands will lead to dismissal.
Not being in class.
Non-compliance with the house rules.
Disrespect to staff or teachers.
Unexcused absences from work.
Causing conflict with others.
House drivers
Must comply with rules of the road. Driver will pay any tickets and have to pay and take defensive driving. You will forfeit the privilege to drive. Must see video on driver’s safety.
You must log in your vehicle mileage daily, Turn in to office.
Make sure that resident in your van sign in and out on your vehicle log sheet. Turn in o office.
Please check your fluids every day. Check your tires, wipers and report any problems to staff.
Clean your assigned vehicles every Saturday.
Accountability is a requirement. It is mandatory to stay at job site and with van when shopping.
Residents must attend life skill classes at house on Monday and Tuesday 7pm to 8pm night workers 1pm to 2pm. No phones in class do not get up during class. No cooking during class. Not dipping or spitting in dining room or church. No vapes in house. Residents are required to attend Church of the Open Door on Wednesdays and Sundays. You cannot leave until staff dismisses you at the end of service. After Sunday am service, you will go to shopping and to do laundry.
Residents must have a full time job. We start you with temporary service and after 90 days, you can talk to director and request to search for another job. Failure to maintain employment will lead to dismissal. You must wake up on time to get a ride to work, if you miss your ride, you will not go to work.
Personal listening devices are allowed with headphones. Cell phones are not to be used in church, in house vehicles, in classes, or in your rooms. No pornography on your phones. You will not be allowed to have a phone if you break this rule.
Absolutely no smoking in the house, in the house vehicles or on the premises other than designated area. (picnic tables only)
Drugs, alcohol, leaving premises without permission, dating while at the house, cashing check, aggressive behavior, or striking someone will be grounds for dismissal. Dating relationships of any kind not allowed while at the House.
Smoking allowed in smoking area only (picnic table area). There will be a $2.00 fee out of your allowance if caught anywhere else or throwing cigarette butts on the ground.
Please refrain from profanity in the House.
Each resident is responsible to keep his area clean. You must take a shower every day. If your boots stink leave outside the door.
No extra furniture in your rooms
Do not make holes in the walls. We will charge you 5.00 per hole.
No stereos, tvs, dvd players, or computers allowed.
Keep all your stuff need and clean and in your own area Do not spread out.
All medications prescriptions or non-must are turned into office.
Visitations are scheduled on Saturdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m and 3:00 p.m. Visitors are not allowed in resident’s rooms.
Passes allowed with family members only, (sister must have proof).
You must be back at the house by 9pm. You may get two passes a month.
When you return you must stop at the office and do a drug and alcohol test. Any items that you get while out must be checked in.
1. Please do not make any appointments on Mon, Tues, Wed. Let us know as soon as you get the appointment. We need to write it on the board.
2. Parole visits are on Thursdays am staff will take you. Residents that are working will go with their job van in the evening after work.
An intake fee of $50.00, will be covered by deposit of your parole check. If you do not get a parole check it will come out of your first payroll check. The entry fee will cover your dishes, blanket, sheets. You will be charged extra for any destruction of property.
Each resident is required to turn in all income to The House Where Jesus Shines. You can open your own account one month before you leave, stop your direct deposit (checks) and pay the cost of the program every week. You must pay the cost of the program each week by 5pm each Saturday. If you don’t you will be charged a late fee of $10.00 a day. All funds in your house account must remain there until you leave. All funds will be returned to you when you leave minus and outstanding debt to the HWJS.
You must turn in your direct deposit slip.
When you get your first check you will get $10.00 to do laundry etc. after that you will get $20.00 until you are caught up to cost of program. Each resident is required to pay $210.00 a week. You must turn in pay stubs (other than Total Placement). You must have 500.00 before you put in a money request.
You must fill out an allowance form to get any extra funds for parole, clothes, etc. if approved you must turn in original receipt of purchase or a copy of the money order after you fill it out to parole.
When you decide to leave you must turn in allowance form with close out account by Wednesday the week before to get money on the Friday the following week.
Do not enter kitchen unless authorized to do so (chores or staff tells you to). Night shift dinner plates must have label with your name on bottom of plate. Do not touch plates with names on it. Leftovers will be left in free refrigerator in pan. All items in the Am and Pm refrigerators must have your name and date on them. Donated food is for everyone, you cannot claim it by putting your name on it.
Cleaning supplies are not to be used in residents rooms, when you clean your room please use your own cleaning supplies.
Return Residents
Must sign contract for one year.
All rules still apply.
There will be zero tolerance talking bad about the hwjs or staff.
Must maintain respect for others and staff.