You have a place here
You have a place here +
This is a great way for married couples under the age of 40 to fellowship. They meet the first and the third Saturdays of most months for fun & fellowship. Childcare is provided.
For information contact For more info, contact Pastor Cody at 254-424-6243 or Marihelen at 254-315-0505.
This is a great way for married couples over the age of 40 to fellowship. They meet monthly for fun and fellowship. For more information Contact
We are multiple communities of Single Men and Single Women in their 30s and above who are actively pursuing a relationship with Jesus by living out God’s purposes for our life. Whether you’ve never been married, are divorced, are widowed or are a single parent, then this is the place for you. Call Connie Busby 254-855-3392 or Sharra Allen at 254-349-3686
or email Beth Morrow
“At the heart of our young adults’ Ministry, is our desire to model the love and teachings of Jesus, as we make disciples and journey together in Him.”
The men meet on the third Saturday of each month for a free breakfast and fellowship here at the church.
Contact Pastor Ronnie Holmes for more information
Various services, special meetings and fellowship opportunities are available for women. Contact Pastor Kim Holmes for more information